What is a “True Gamer”?- PH017

To be a true gamer, does it take passion, skill, heart, or perhaps something more intangible? Judge and Crow tackle this pseudo-philosophical bullshit premise with the straightest of faces.

Other topics include: Wrecking Ball, e-sports news, anime game announcements, Shin Megami Tensei mobile game, Broly as a canon Dragon Ball character

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Inzo” by Overthinker (https://youtu.be/nTU3Bi0Wr7g)

Outro: “The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Retrowave-Synthwave)” by New Retro Future (https://youtu.be/nTU3Bi0Wr7g)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio


“Sad Violin – MLG Sound Effects (HD)” by Gaming Sound FX (https://youtu.be/7ODcC5z6Ca0)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!