Single Player is Dead(?)- PH009

With the death of couch co-op in video games, can single player be far behind? Join Judge and Crow this week as they mourn the loss of their innocence as the single player games they’ve come to know and love are threatened with extinction by the more financially lucrative online multiplayer model.

Other topics include: Some dope music releases, God of War’s welcoming reception, Campo Santo Studio recently acquired by Valve, iPhone SE 2 rumors, and… Mail-Order Brides?

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Rise” by Far Out (

Outro: “Runner Gunner” by Kick Puncher (

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (

Link to Reddit Mail-Order Bride Thread:

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter!

Silent Protagonists- PH008

They don’t talk, so we do the talking for them. How does a main character being a “blank slate” impact storytelling? Join Judge and Crow this week as they hash out the pros and cons of silent protagonists in video games.

Other topics include: Overwatch Retribution event impressions, Billy Mitchell no longer the “King of Kong”, Shenmue 1 and 2 remasters.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Too Far (feat. Eskayi)” by Kerbside (

Outro: “Safe On Your Own” by Dreamhour (

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at, or tweet us at @realpodgehodge!

Minigames- PH007

Yo dog, we heard you like games. So we put games inside your games. Judge and Crow talk about some good and some not-so-good minigames.

Other topics include: an unlikely partnership between PUBG and KFC, April Fools shenanigans, Persona 5 animation.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Man That I Was (feat. HVNNIBVL)” by Poorchoice  (

Outro: “Find a Way” by New Arcades (

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at, or tweet us at @realpodgehodge!