A Rambling Update

Hey folks. How’s it hanging? Welcome to the first official PodgeHodge blog post. It’s been a little over a year since we started the show, and with that milestone Crow and I have decided to spread our wings a bit and venture into new territory. There will be more news to come on all that we have planned, but as the adage goes, “good things come to those who wait.” Hang tight.

First, an update in regards to the show. I can hear the comments now:

“Where have you guys been? It’s been almost 2 months since the last episode.” – JamminJamaican1992

“Well, it took them 4 months to post episode 19… I reckon it will take them 6 months to post episode 21.”- LogicalLarry3.14159

“Wtf is this random blog post that I just stumbled upon, what even is a PodgeHodge?” -FortniteSuxApexIsGOAT

“Hey, what gives? I got pregnant the day that you posted your last podcast episode. I’m almost 10% of the way through my pregnancy and no new episode… Unsubbed.” – Becky

We hear you loud and clear. We know the schedule has been a bit inconsistent in the past few months. Life is inconsistent. The last 6 months have been rocky for both Crow and I. In those gaps there have been hospital stays, job changes, equipment malfunctions, and personal health issues. David Bowie must have been referring to content creators when he sang “It Ain’t Easy.” Thankfully, things have finally started to calm down. We are excited to get back to delivering quality content to you consistently, and boy oh boy, are we ready to do that in more ways than you can imagine.

2019 has proven to be extremely eventful in regards to the realm of gaming and pop culture. I mean, Kingdom Hearts III released. It’s ACTUALLY a thing. I could easily pine over this one thing for the remainder of this post, but I’ll save my thoughts for Rant or Rave. Additionally, the Resident Evil 2 remake came out and is widely regarded to be a masterpiece. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (A.K.A. Dark Souls with a grappling hook) is darkening our doors, the launch of Devil May Cry 5 is a pull of the Devil Trigger away, and the next generation of Pokemon has been revealed for the Switch. I think it’s safe to say that 2019 is shaping up to be a spectacular year for gamers. In the wise words of the retiring Regginator, “my body is ready…” even if my bank account isn’t.

To wrap up this inaugural post, I want to simply say “thank you.” We started this podcast as a way of having fun and connecting with people just like you. People who have varied interests, who find appreciation in the menial and mundane as well as the profound and perplexing. The connections made, the comments exchanged, and the opportunity to build a community around these simple tenets truly makes this an experience of a lifetime. It’s an honor to be a part of your day and your story.

We’ll see you on the other side of the mic. Stay tuned.


Holiday Palooza- PH020

Ah yes, the beloved holiday season. A time of reunion, a time of capitalistic splurging, and a time of podcasting shenanigans with your two favorite pop culture junkies. Join a festive Judge and Crow this week as they celebrate the holidays the only way they know how: by coming up with racy and raunchy Mad Libs.

Other topics include: “Have you heard about Bird Box?”, Playstation Classic Tragedy… Followed up with a tale of spicy romance between Judge and his Vita, Overwatch and Dead by Daylight Winter Event concluding thoughts, initial impressions of Bastion from Supergiant Games.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Jingle Bells (Steviie Wonder & Keanu Trap Remix” by TrapMusicHDTV (https://youtu.be/I-s4kSMjmhY)

Outro: “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree (Trap Remix)” by Trap Music Now (https://youtu.be/7D4DlJ01M4I)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!

Listen on your favorite streaming platform. We’re on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Spreaker, TuneIn, Stitcher, and pretty much any other podcatcher you can imagine.

Studio Subtext- PH019

Are game developers the creators of fine art, corporate money grabbers, or perhaps something a bit harder to define? Judge and Crow return after a lengthy hiatus to address the industry’s growing podge hodge of troubles.

Other topics include: My Hero Academia, Vita Las Vegas!, 2018’s hottest releases, a buttload of patch notes, and the Game Awards

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “This Way feat. Ari Gumora” by Ben Maxwell (https://youtu.be/CbYFVm8yjLM)

Outro:  “Royalty Free Retro Video Game Music SoundTrack: Fight/Street Scene” by Royalty Free Music – UnRoyalty (https://youtu.be/qi_k7vPS-34)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!

Listen on your favorite streaming platform. We’re on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Spreaker, TuneIn, Stitcher, and pretty much any other podcatcher you can imagine.

Pop Culture Letdowns- PH012

We’ve all been let down. From your first time voting against an overfed Oompa Loompa for president to your first shitty podcast episode to your first broken condom, let downs are as American as apple pie. That’s why we decided to round up a few of our most disappointing moments in pop culture and use a bit of that heavily unrefined salt to spice our chicken.

Other topics include: Yanny or Laurel, Black Ops 4 and Rage 2 reveals, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, Overwatch Two Year Anniversary event.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Chance (feat. Akacia)” by will crockford (https://youtu.be/Tr7XJi9uBXM)

Outro: “MagnetoSphere” by DJ Ten (https://youtu.be/Wci5-ybUzqU)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!