Dirty, Filthy, Corporate Sellouts- PH013

They’ve ranted about microtransactions. They’ve fulminated over the death of couch co-op. And now, Judge and Crow tackle corporate partnerships in the entertainment industry. (Fortunately, we’re not entertaining, so if anyone wants to sponsor us, that is still morally justified.)

Other topics include: Playstation quality-of-life gripes, a battle royale lawsuit, the death of Runescape Classic, Dead by Daylight’s Curtain Call chapter, the upcoming Netflix series Disenchantment, Detroit: Become Human

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Bring me Down” by Double Twin (https://youtu.be/rxMl4AtpxFI)

Outro: “Memories” by Starlight (https://youtu.be/rTLeJGoQVWI)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!

Pop Culture Letdowns- PH012

We’ve all been let down. From your first time voting against an overfed Oompa Loompa for president to your first shitty podcast episode to your first broken condom, let downs are as American as apple pie. That’s why we decided to round up a few of our most disappointing moments in pop culture and use a bit of that heavily unrefined salt to spice our chicken.

Other topics include: Yanny or Laurel, Black Ops 4 and Rage 2 reveals, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux, Overwatch Two Year Anniversary event.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Chance (feat. Akacia)” by will crockford (https://youtu.be/Tr7XJi9uBXM)

Outro: “MagnetoSphere” by DJ Ten (https://youtu.be/Wci5-ybUzqU)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!

Storytime- PH011

This is the first episode where Judge and Crow are in the same room as each other, so we decided to shake things up a bit. Grab your favorite beverage, prop up a chair, and relax as we present to you two terrible readings of fanfiction. It’ll be fun, we promise.

Other topics include: Judge acting like bowling is a sport (again), Walmart leaking E3, Fortnite x Marvel, Nintendo’s online service strategy, FTC ruling in favor of self-repairing consoles.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro:  “Free Fall” by Audioscribe (https://youtu.be/8ciZGNmlWgo)

Outro: “Lucidator” by Sagittarius V (https://youtu.be/UJJtZHwstMA)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Crackling Fireplace Sound Effect HQ (https://youtu.be/lQPdYRh3CME)

Storytelling royalty free background music Professional original music (https://youtu.be/dMyPnBhA3TI)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter! We would love to hear from you!

Biggest Baddest Bosses- PH010

Your long journey is near its end. You’ve spent months taking on the orcs and goblins, and now you think you’re ready to slay the dragon. Until it incinerates you with an open-ended essay question. Wrap up your semester the right way with Judge and Crow as they discuss five boss fights that left lasting impressions on them.

Other topics include: Fortnite updates, Dead by Daylight reworks, Attack on Titan season 3 release date, and Nintendo news


  • Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Last of Us
  • Fire Emblem
  • Persona 4
  • Persona 5
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Devil May Cry 3
  • Pokemon (2nd Generation)

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Dragon Castle” by 魔界Symphony (https://youtu.be/fJeKMJYf1MM)

Outro: “Raydar” by Neon Graffiti (https://youtu.be/HFlnriv3ies)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter!

Single Player is Dead(?)- PH009

With the death of couch co-op in video games, can single player be far behind? Join Judge and Crow this week as they mourn the loss of their innocence as the single player games they’ve come to know and love are threatened with extinction by the more financially lucrative online multiplayer model.

Other topics include: Some dope music releases, God of War’s welcoming reception, Campo Santo Studio recently acquired by Valve, iPhone SE 2 rumors, and… Mail-Order Brides?

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Rise” by Far Out (https://youtu.be/LVTS6SZC6qw)

Outro: “Runner Gunner” by Kick Puncher (https://youtu.be/YHa9jaxypfU)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Link to Reddit Mail-Order Bride Thread:  https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/33t5lu/redditors_who_married_mailorder_brides_from/?limit=500

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or @realpodgehodge on Twitter!

Silent Protagonists- PH008

They don’t talk, so we do the talking for them. How does a main character being a “blank slate” impact storytelling? Join Judge and Crow this week as they hash out the pros and cons of silent protagonists in video games.

Other topics include: Overwatch Retribution event impressions, Billy Mitchell no longer the “King of Kong”, Shenmue 1 and 2 remasters.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Too Far (feat. Eskayi)” by Kerbside (https://youtu.be/u76ns6m8PU8)

Outro: “Safe On Your Own” by Dreamhour (https://youtu.be/NyNGa0m6ywE)

Other Media Used: “8-Bit Retro Video Game Sound Effects 1” by Brand Name Audio (https://youtu.be/nzjtkaLCn60)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or tweet us at @realpodgehodge!

Minigames- PH007

Yo dog, we heard you like games. So we put games inside your games. Judge and Crow talk about some good and some not-so-good minigames.

Other topics include: an unlikely partnership between PUBG and KFC, April Fools shenanigans, Persona 5 animation.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Man That I Was (feat. HVNNIBVL)” by Poorchoice  (https://youtu.be/IXGmCUlRjpA)

Outro: “Find a Way” by New Arcades (https://youtu.be/grbsFH3i3pQ)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or tweet us at @realpodgehodge!

Gaming Confessions- PH006

Some things are best left unsaid. Naturally, we decided to say them. Join the Judge and Crow as they reveal some of their deepest, darkest gaming confessions.

Other topics include: Big Dead by Daylight announcements, Luminous Productions, Deadpool 2 Trailer

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Drive (feat. Rookie)” by Olmos (https://youtu.be/MzdNi8sZLGo)

Outro: “Future Vision (Futurecop! Remix)” by Waveshaper (https://youtu.be/1g3fxAssE9M)

Other media included in this episode: “Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 1st Adagio” by J.S. Bach (https://youtu.be/xueopsTHesw)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net, or tweet us at @realpodgehodge!

Crossovers- PH005

Everyone loves a good crossover. This week, Judge and Crow talk about what happens when worlds collide. Other topics include: Atari VCS, first impressions of Brigitte in Overwatch, the joys of jumping rope.

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow

Intro: “Out of the Dark” by Bishu (https://youtu.be/fpdE23wJIdQ)

Outro: “Video Game Music Mix: Session 3” by thepeterson (https://youtu.be/vIpacD8a6lU)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net!

Women in the Media- PH004

This week is all about the ladies. Other topics include: Catnado Special Announcement, Nintendo Direct recap, “Violence in Video Games.”

Crew: JudgeRuled, Crow, Catnado

Intro: “Lost” by Sinner’s Heist & Unknown Brain (https://youtu.be/Cz2OFJuAw2M)

Outro: “Mongolian Throat Singing” by Batzorig Vaanchig (https://youtu.be/1rmo3fKeveo)

Thanks for tuning in! Feel free to reach out to us at contact@podgehodge.net!